Monday, February 4, 2013

Wiring Harness (1/2)

I tend to nit-pick things until I absolutely dive into them. Take the wiring harness on the bike, for example. I noticed a few wires near the tail wouldn't tuck away neatly, so I began to look at how they were routed. Then I found colors that didn't make sense, a fuse holder I didn't like, and wire that change color one or more times en-route. Next thing you know, the whole harness is off the bike - I'm pulling pins, testing connections, and removing unused wires.

I found some nylon wire organizers at ABC Auto which came in handy for laying it all out:

Before it's all over, I will probably have each wire cataloged in a spreadsheet with it's purpose. Hopefully I'll sort out a few things, fix any glaring issues, and put it back better than it was without taking forever.

Also, I've attempted to fiberglass the new tail piece. It was interesting...even the second time around. If it will cure alright, I can start cleaning it up with sand paper and lots of bondo putty. =)

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